Blogging every day for 30 days

For about 5 years I have felt increasingly less able to focus and come up with original thoughts. Whenever I have an idea for any kind of creative or technical project I think about it intensely for days, consult Wikipedia, watch a dozen YouTube videos about the subject, maybe give it a try for days or weeks intermittently but ultimately it goes nowhere. I go back to my usual routine of having an idea, going full hyper-focus for a short time and then abandoning it leaving me feeling unfulfilled and full of self-doubt.

Today I decided I need to do something to break out of this habit. The important thing here is that it needs to be manageable but still require some effort. It needs to help me dust off the creative cobwebs but not be some grandiose commitment that’s going to overwhelm me.

So I decided today to publish one blog post on my website every day for 30 days. If I pull it off I will have a sense of accomplishment but it isn’t something that requires a massive effort. I just need to sit down at the damn desk and type for a while. Even if the posts are shit I still wrote them and that’s enough for me. I’m also hoping it will help me rekindle my imagination and undo some of the damage that mindless doom-scrolling has wrought on my brain for far too long.

This counts as post number one because I’m crafty like that. I think it will be interesting to see how my writing develops over these thirty days and what I learn from this exercise.

See you tomorrow.
